Say “Good bye, Democracy.”

This is how Democracy ends in the United States. It will happen in November 2020. Because of the delay in counting mail-in ballots and because the majority of mail-in voters are Democrats. Based on current models, Trump will win on election night, but lose when all the mail-in ballots are counted.

Who among us, either Republicans or Democrats, believe Trump will accept these results? He’s been building a case for this scenario since he got in office. His refusal to accept will end in the Supreme Court and John Roberts will appoint the next president. This means two out of the last three presidents will have been appointed by an activist Supreme Court that leans conservative.

Does anyone still wonder why Supreme Court nominations are so important? How many of our recently awakened neighbors even know what the Supreme Court is or what it does? I would bet 60 percent of the citizenry can’t give a cogent answer to either question.

(The Source of these details is a Fareed Zakaria commentary.)

Votes in person at the polls:

Republicans = 87 percent

Democrats = 47 percent

Mail-in votes:

Republicans = 19 percent

Democrats = 69 percent

Election night projections.

Trump – 408 Electoral votes.

Biden – 120 Electoral votes

Trump wins.

 When all the mail-in ballots are counted.

Trump 204 – Electoral votes

Biden 334 – Electoral votes

Biden wins.



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