In his own words, and they still won't believe it.

Today, I listened to a February 7th recording of Trump telling Bob Woodward, that “COVID is deadly.” He specifically knew that is was transmitted by breathing virus-laden air. He knew it was, in his words, “five times as deadly as the most strenuous flu.”

And yet, if we go back to the beginning all we’ve heard from him is his continuous attempt to downplay the entire pandemic, even to point of refusing to wear a mask (setting the example for his loyal followers). “It was just a big hoax.”

His behavior has not only been completely unbecoming a leader of a nation in crisis, but he is now using the crisis, chaos, and violence he has instigated to run as the “law and order” president who will fix the crisis, chaos, and violence he and his administration has caused.

Hard to believe? Not really. Not this man. Not Trump. What’s hard to believe is that many of the families of the 190,000 dead people will vote for him in November. As will some of another 40 percent of the population who say they are ready to go to war in the streets if he doesn’t get another four years to destroy what’s left of this nation.

This is worse than the most fictional movies of a dystopian future I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen lots of them in my life.




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