Confession is good for the soul.

A couple of days ago I bragged about my writing prowess. I didn’t mention that I had split several infinitives, used squinting modifiers, and ended a few too many sentences with prepositions.

Add this to my weakness for mindlessly drifting into the passive voice and I confess that 20 years of writing has left me with arthritic hands and ganglion-cysts on my fingers. (Oh, and an occasional royalty check that can buy a tank of gas for my hybrid car. Fortunately, I only need to fill it once a month or so.)

But my joy of sinning (writing) continues, and I will soon announce the release of my 8th book titled, “Loosing” Your Mind: Critical Thinking in an Age of Chaos.

If there has ever been a time for critical thinking, it’s now!

(PS: When it comes out, please buy one so I can buy another tank of gas.)


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