Oh, that zany old American psyche never ceases to amuse

Closed systems tend toward chaos.  The political right lives in an impermeable closed system  and is approaching maximum chaos.   The latest proof?  They were genuinely shocked when Mr. Obama won re-election.  In and of itself, their disorder is unimportant but it is the primary source of some pretty ridiculous ideation. Here’s a few examples:  1) We are the only industrialized country to believe in creationism as a plausible answer for how we got here. 2) Although 99 percent of climate scientists agree that the evidence for global climate change is all around us, over 50 percent of Americans disagree.  3) Our healthcare system is ranked 37th by the World Health Organization and we insist that it’s the best in the world.  4) Our Supreme Court allows corporations to buy politicians and the people who suffer from this decision hail it as a freedom preserved. 5) We just had a 2 year, $2 billion presidential campaign and nothing changed. 6) One Republican member of the congressional science committee, claimed that evolution, embryology, and the big bang theory are from the “pits of hell”.  Another claimed that women’s bodies can prevent potential pregnancies that might result from rapes. 7) Not to be outdone, another doubles down by proclaiming that these pregnancies are a gift from God.  8)The last decade of experience has proven that trickle-down economics doesn’t expand an economy, but 47 percent want to give it another try. 9) Our war on drugs has financed a deep and broad criminal industry and failed miserably after forty years of effort, yet we continue to fight it with the same techniques.  10) We have 5 percent of the world’s population and 25 percent of the world’s incarcerated population 11) We have 5 percent of the world’s population and use 25 percent of its energy and continue to drive gas-guzzling vehicles without regard for the future needs of other growing economies. 12)One third of Americans believe every word of the Bible is correct and inspired by God.  Their evidence?   The Bible, which states in 2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is inspired.”  But then in 1 Corinthians  7:6/ 1 Corinthians 7:12/ 2 Corinthians 11:17, the same Bible states “Some scripture is not inspired.”  13) Forty nine percent of Americans are against same sex marriage.  One of the main reasons they claim is that it will destroy traditional marriages, 50 percent of which fail. 14) We have exempted religious institutions from paying $71 billion in taxes while church officials tell people how to vote. 15) Fox News recently launched its annual claim of a war on Christmas but the Christmas season is the longest holiday season of the year. 16) The most harmful and dangerous characters, political pundits, seed animus throughout our national dialogue and are rewarded with multi-million dollar salaries. 17) The political right really believes that we should cut social programs for the middle class and poor so the super-rich can pay less tax. 18) Most people who cry about freedoms lost under this administration cannot name a single freedom that has been lost. 19) The Newtown, Connecticut incident brought the total to sixteen US Mass Shootings in 2012 alone, leaving at least 88 dead. Some Americans have blamed this kind of gun violence on our entertainment and untreated mental illness. Here’s a thought to contemplate:  People in the United Kingdom see the violence in our television, movies and play the same games.  They have untreated mental illness. Why do they have 35 gun related deaths per year and we have 35,000?  There is one important difference; we have 300 million guns.  They don’t.  Now you might be saying what does this have to do with the right wing closed system?  I suggest that the core reasoning for all of these factoids originate at the far right extreme of what was once the Grand Old Party.  How did this happen?        
Robert DeFilippis   


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