Abortion: Killing of innocents or not?

Do the individual rights of women over their own bodies supersede the rights of society to promote its moral codes? Is abortion at any stage murdering innocents? At what point do the rights of these innocents have the protections granted to all of that society’s members?

I suspect that life begins around the time a fertilized embryo successfully attaches to the wall of the womb. So my position is, abortion after attachment is taking an innocent life.  To me, wanting to protect that life is a sacred process and should not be conflated with political campaigns.

Unfortunately, the practice of abortion is not the key issue. A certain percentage of women will abort no matter what the laws are.  
The key issue is whether we keep it legal and medically safe or not. Another way of saying this is, a single abortion is an act of conscience and not the province of government. I think it is a horrible decision to make and I will not judge those who decide to do it.

But at a broader level, a society that promotes it as anything but a complex and difficult moral dilemma, is on a very slippery slope.

In summary, abortion after attachment is taking human life. The question of morality remains and can only be decided by the person making the decision. The society within which that decision is made should always bend toward protecting that innocent life.

I’d love to read your opinions here too!


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