Good News! Congress’ Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low of 10 Percent

From by Kristina Chew August 14, 2012

"Pity Congress, or maybe not. According to a Gallup poll, public approval of Congress has fallen to a historic low of 10 percent.

83 percent of Americans disapprove of how the legislative branch of the US government has been doing its job, the lowest ever since the Gallup poll began measuring approval of Congress 38 years ago.

In June, Congress’ approval rating was 17 percent and in July, 16 percent.

Democrats saw their approval ratings plummet the most, falling from 18 percent in July to 9 percent in August. Dissatisfaction was universal across party lines, with Republicans garnering 10 percent and Independents 11 percent.

In general, the 112th Congress has been more the target of opprobrium than approval, Politico notes. It received its highest approval rating of 24 percent in May of 2011. In contrast, Congress received its all-time highest approval marks — 84 percent — back in October 2001, after the attacks of 9/11."

Why would I consider this good news?  Because it says the American people are sick of their politicians shenanigans at our expense.


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