Obama: 'Common Sense' Gun Control

From The Daily Beast, Jul 26, 2012 by Susan Walsh.   

"The presidential candidates are finally talking about guns, nearly a week after a lone shooter killed 12 people and injured nearly 60 more in a movie theater in Colorado. While speaking in New Orleans on Wednesday, President Obama told an African-American group that there could be more restrictions regarding keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and even said he'd work with lawmakers to make weapons harder to possess. "I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals," he said, adding that the steps shouldn't be controversial, but "common sense." Mitt Romney, on the other hand, said tragedies like the one in Aurora would not be prevented by changing national gun laws and made the mistake of alleging that suspect James Holmes obtained the weapons used in the movie theater massacre illegally—he didn't." 

I don't know what's wrong with this president.  Apparently he has never been hunting.  I use my AK 47 for squirrel.  I rarely hit the squirrel but almost always knock the top of the tree off and the squirrel comes down with the whole mess.  It's my God-given, American exceptionalist right to be free and own and operate an automatic weapon of war. 


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