Supreme Court upholds the individual mandate as a form or taxation and not based on the fed’s authority to regulate interstate commerce.

Good news to some and bad to others.  I’ve been in favor of universal healthcare for all Americans but I view this event with a little less enthusiasm.  Why?  Because I think President Obama made a strategic blunder when you chose to go for healthcare when the economy should have been his target.  He had the votes in both houses to get what he wanted.  Instead he did this and the country has become even more polarized.  The one thing we can agree on is “we need more jobs.”I’m convinced that businesses will not create more jobs until demand for goods and services increases.  When Obama said that the private sector is doing fine, he was referring to record profits and trillions of dollars being kept on the sidelines.  The only entity powerful enough to stimulate this economy is government.  And the government is so gridlocked that it’s become ineffective.  Woe is us!


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