Kentucky wins! Let's destroy the place.

There is an old quote in journalism, "When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news."

So violence is becoming "not news" in the U.S. We are the most violent modern industrialized country on the planet. Our entertainment is filled with violence. Our movie heros are violent. Video games glorify violence. We have the highest rate of guns per capita in the world. Ninety of 100 Americans own guns. "Stand your ground" laws exist in 35 states while five more are considering them.

So it doesn't surprise me that... 

"Celebrations went bad in Lexington, as students from the University of Kentucky rioted Monday night after their basketball team captured the NCAA championship for the first time in a decade. Police said at least one man was wounded by gunfire, at least 50 small fires were set and dozens were arrested as thousands of people took to the streets after Kentucky’s win. Police in riot gear were already in place by the time the game ended—especially after more than a dozen students were arrested Saturday following Kentucky’s ascension into the championship game."
Posted on The Daily Beast: Read it at USA Today  April 3, 2012  


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