Government - the enemy we love to hate but secretly depend on.


In a revealing testament to the confused, human wreckage strewn across America in the wake of thirty-plus years' carpet-bombing by the right-wing noise machine, of poisonous AM talk radio all day and Fox News all night, of finger-pointing, race-baiting political ads, of welfare queen straw men and endless scapegoats of varying shades of brown, the New York Times today examines those struggling Middle Class Americans who collect government benefits in one hand and hold up a protest sign in the other, angrily warning the government to keep its hands off their Medicare.

The article is titled "Even Critics of Safety Net Increasingly Depend On It" and points out the stark disconnect between the anti-government rhetoric and the government-subsidized lives of many who spew it.

This is the key statistic in understanding just how successful the Norquists and Luntzes and Limbaughs have been in convincing Americans that their government is the enemy:

Almost half of all Americans lived in households that received government benefits in 2010, according to the Census Bureau. The share climbed from 37.7 percent in 1998 to 44.5 percent in 2006, before the recession, to 48.5 percent in 2010.


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